Application Submission Checklist:

Initiating Document:

  • Resolution of Application (2 certified copies with original signature of Clerk/Secretary)


*If proposal is anticipated to be processed as having 100% landowner consent, two copies of the signed consent form will be required.

Application Documents (1 original and 1 copy):

Additional Documents:

  • Map and Legal Description (7 copies of the map, 2 copies of the legal description and electronic copy of each in compliance with LAFCO Standards)
  • Campaign Disclosure Form (2 copies)
  • For city annexations/reorganizations: Certified copy of pre-zoning resolution or ordinance including a full copy of the City Council agenda item (2 copies)

Environmental Review Documents

2 sets required unless otherwise indicated and electronic copy – minimum submission requirements for environmental review documents are:

  • CEQA Exemption – Statutory or Categorical Exemption form and copy of stamped Notice of Exemption;
  • Negative Declaration – Initial Study, Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent to Adopt Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration with Distribution Listing, Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring Plan (if applicable), Notice of Determination and copy of receipt showing payment of California Department of Fish and Wildlife filing fees;
  • Environmental Impact Report – Initial Study, Notice of Preparation and Notice of Availability/Completion of Draft EIR with Distribution Listing,  Draft EIR, Final EIR, Mitigation Monitoring Plan, Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, Certified copy of Resolution certifying the Final EIR, and a copy of stamped Notice of Determination including a copy of receipt showing payment of California Department of Fish and Wildlife filing fees.